wakakkaa...setelah meronda blog kawan baikku, syuk , aku nk share bende yg dye taruk..mmg cam best giler...dasat tol laa..sape yg buat aku pon tatau..
klu nk tgk,klik kat bawah..
watch it!!!
by shareeb
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
~pertembungan dua gergasi~
Sungguh tidak disangka perlawanan kali ini masih memihak kepada Catalan yang menundukkan Syaitan Merah dengan agregat 2-0 jaringan 3-1...
Separuh masa pertama sudah memberi kelebihan kepada Barca dengan penguasaan bola yang sangat mengagumkan gandingan Iniesta dan Xavi yang banyak membuka peluang dan hantaran yang sangat menarik..Dapat dilihat di sepanjang permainan,bola hanya bertukar-tukar di kaki dan kepala pemain Barcelona.Gaya permainan relaks yang ditampilkan oleh mereka membuahkan hasil apabila Pedro Rodriguez menjaringkan gol pertama pada minit ke-27..
Permainan bertambah rancak apabila Red Devils mula menyerang dengan lebih bertenaga..Selang 7minit, usaha keras mereka membawa kepada gol kedua permainan dengan rembatan cantik Rooney dihadapan gawang Barca.Hantaran kepada pemain berjersi 10 itu segera disambar dan dimanfaatkan untuk menewaskan Victor Valdes yang hanya beberapa kali diasak.. Perlawanan terus hangat dengan masing-masing cuba untuk membolosi gawang lawan sehingga tamat babak separuh masa pertama.
Separuh masa kedua bermula dengan penguasaan bola yang ketara oleh Barca..Gerakan demi gerakan yang dilakukan oleh Messi hampir tidak terhalang oleh M.U sehingga memaksa Valencia bertindak mengasari pemain terbaik dunia itu beberapa kali..
Pergelutan di depan gawang Van Der Saar menyebabkan Fabio tercedera dan terpaksa dibawa keluar dan digantikan oleh Nani..
Rentak penguasaan pemain Barcelona diteruskan dengan kekebalan pertahanan Mascherano seiring dengan srategi Sergio Bosquet...
Permainan berterusan dengan perlahan diselangi hantaran pendek sehingga ke depan kotak penalti M.U apabila messi tiba-tiba muncul dan terus merembat deras ke gawang Red Devils..Penonton tergamam seketika tatkala sorakan penyokong fanatik Messi menyertai larian kegembiraan Messi...
Keghairahan Barcelona mengejar gol semakin ketara apabila melakukan serangan bertalu-talu ke gawang lawan..Usaha mereka berbaloi apabila David Villa menyudahkan hantaran dari luar kotak penalti dan menyempurnakannya dengan sepakan lencong ke bucu gawang lalu menewaskan penjaga gol dari Belanda itu. Maka bermulalah kehuru-haraan M.U untuk mengawal keadaan sehingga kekasaran demi kekasaran dilakukan sehingga mendorong kad kuning dikeluarkan..Barcelona mula bertahan dan melambatkan permainan sehingga Valdes dilayangkan kad kuning...Sehingga wisel penamat, pemain beraksi dengan cukup cemerlang..
Satu perlawanan yang cukup menghiburkan...
Barcelona - Pedro, L.Messi, D.Villa
Manchester United - W.Rooney
Barcelona membawa pulang Piala UEFA setelah baru sahaja menjulang kejuaraan Liga Sepanyol..Penuh gah dan masyhur generasi emas Barcelona..
puas hati aku dapat tengok match ni!!
by shareeb
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Dalam sehari-hari,pernah tak kita terfikir?
Ada tak kita terfikir sesuatu perkara?
Kita slalu nk improvekan level dalam hidup korang..Contohnya :
1.nak tingkatkan ilmu dalam dada supaya sentiasa bertambah,
2.nak tingkatkan kareer untuk masa depan yang lebih cerah
3.nak tingkatkan keluarga supaya lebih besar (poligami??)
4.nak tingkatkan perniagaan supaya lebih berkembang
Tetapi pernahkah kita terfikir untuk meningkatkan SOLAT kita supaya lebih khusyuk dan yang paling penting, diterima Allah SWT untuk bekalan akhirat nanti kerana setiap daripada kita sedia mengetahuibahawa solat adalah tiang agama, jadi seringkasnya, betulkan solat kita. Bila tiang sudah betul, maka yang lain akan menyusul sempurna.. InsyaAllah amalan lain akan seiring untuk mendekatkan diri kita kepada Allah.
Tetapi bagaimanakah kita nak tingkatkan solat kita ni supaya lebih kekhusyukan?? Seorang ustaz pernah menjawab suatu persoalan sedemikian dengan berkata bahawa mengetahui maksud dan memahami semua ayat yang terkandung dalam solat merupakan langkah paling asas.Maka seharusnya, Al-Fatihah adalah surah yang perlu kita dalami terlebih dahulu memandangkan ia permulaan bacaan dalam solat selepas niat. Dalami dahulu, barulah tercapai maksud dan kefahamannya..
Di bawah ini saya sertakn terjemahan al-fatihah untuk berkongsi dengan semua..selamat beramal.
Surah 1 Al-Fatihah ( 7 ayat )
Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam.
Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
Yang menguasai di Hari Pembalasan
Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah, dan hanya kepada Engkaulah kami meminta pertolongan.
Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus,
(yaitu) Jalan orang-orang yang telah Engkau beri ni'mat kepada mereka; bukan (jalan) mereka yang dimurkai dan bukan (pula jalan) mereka yang sesat.
"beramal setelah mengenal diri"
by shareeb
Ada tak kita terfikir sesuatu perkara?
Kita slalu nk improvekan level dalam hidup korang..Contohnya :
1.nak tingkatkan ilmu dalam dada supaya sentiasa bertambah,
2.nak tingkatkan kareer untuk masa depan yang lebih cerah
3.nak tingkatkan keluarga supaya lebih besar (poligami??)
4.nak tingkatkan perniagaan supaya lebih berkembang
Tetapi pernahkah kita terfikir untuk meningkatkan SOLAT kita supaya lebih khusyuk dan yang paling penting, diterima Allah SWT untuk bekalan akhirat nanti kerana setiap daripada kita sedia mengetahuibahawa solat adalah tiang agama, jadi seringkasnya, betulkan solat kita. Bila tiang sudah betul, maka yang lain akan menyusul sempurna.. InsyaAllah amalan lain akan seiring untuk mendekatkan diri kita kepada Allah.
Tetapi bagaimanakah kita nak tingkatkan solat kita ni supaya lebih kekhusyukan?? Seorang ustaz pernah menjawab suatu persoalan sedemikian dengan berkata bahawa mengetahui maksud dan memahami semua ayat yang terkandung dalam solat merupakan langkah paling asas.Maka seharusnya, Al-Fatihah adalah surah yang perlu kita dalami terlebih dahulu memandangkan ia permulaan bacaan dalam solat selepas niat. Dalami dahulu, barulah tercapai maksud dan kefahamannya..
Di bawah ini saya sertakn terjemahan al-fatihah untuk berkongsi dengan semua..selamat beramal.
Surah 1 Al-Fatihah ( 7 ayat )
Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam.
Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
Yang menguasai di Hari Pembalasan
Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah, dan hanya kepada Engkaulah kami meminta pertolongan.
Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus,
(yaitu) Jalan orang-orang yang telah Engkau beri ni'mat kepada mereka; bukan (jalan) mereka yang dimurkai dan bukan (pula jalan) mereka yang sesat.
"beramal setelah mengenal diri"
by shareeb
Friday, May 27, 2011
~kongsi cite Kongsi~
Monday, May 16, 2011
~baru aku tersedar~
mak aih..
baru aku perasan yang bulan April ni sangatlah sibuk bagi aku..
langsung aku tak menulis untuk blog nih..
inilah dikatakan gila kerja..
workaholic ni boleh dikatakan agak berbahaya jugak sebab ia boleh melibatkan keluarga dan kawan-kawan..
boleh terabai sume nih...
nasib baik laa ada jugak saluran sesawang untuk berhubung tatkala ada keluangan..
tu pon kalo ada keluangan
by shareeb
baru aku perasan yang bulan April ni sangatlah sibuk bagi aku..
langsung aku tak menulis untuk blog nih..
inilah dikatakan gila kerja..
workaholic ni boleh dikatakan agak berbahaya jugak sebab ia boleh melibatkan keluarga dan kawan-kawan..
boleh terabai sume nih...
nasib baik laa ada jugak saluran sesawang untuk berhubung tatkala ada keluangan..
tu pon kalo ada keluangan
by shareeb
Saturday, May 7, 2011
This is a whole crap
Agong under threat? DAP wants to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia?
The whole point of changing the official religion is to allow a Christian to become Prime Minister of this country
In order to change the status of Islam as the official religion of Malaysia, they would not only have to change the constitution with a two-third majority but would also have to get the consent of the Agong, as head of Islam in Malaysia to demote it to second spot behind Christianity...I think the only way DAP is going to achieve this is by putting a gun to the Agung's head.
History has shown that they have not minced their words when it comes to the formation of the Islamic State and yet the Malay/Muslims in this county has tolerated their rudeness.
I think it is time that we feed them our opinion whole, spare them the bite-size convenience and see how they like to gag on the words of others.
There would be blood on the streets if DAP were to take this vow to the streets and while Opposition types may want to accuse me of making up this story, take a look at the first photo above and the details in this posting and determine if any of this is true.
I hope and pray that it is not true but the photo above is part of two bits of information that came to me this morning and I must say that it really woke me up.
According to the message, last night DAP Jelutong organised a dinner for pastors from Sarawak and overseas at the Red Rock Hotel on Jalan Macalister in Penang and about 100 people comprising people from the consituency service centre, the pastros and jelutong ADUN Jeff Ooi and Kidurong's Chiew Chiu Seng.
Among the activities that night included the 35 pastors taking a group oath. They formed a circle and touched each other's shoulder and vowed in English to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia and put a Christian Prime Minister in office.
Today the same pastors will take part in a convention at Berjaya Hotel from 9am to 5pm and they will attend a special meeting tonight at the Jalan Khaw Sim Bee Christian centre.
To put it in further context, we should remember that in Sarawak, the DAP had said that BN is anti Christ agent, a seditious statement and religiously divisive statement that was never investigated by the police. or at least they did not tell us about any investigations on the matter.
They are openly against BN on religious grounds and they are now making it their clarion call, their rabble rousing horn.
It is important for Muslims in this country to defend the position of Islam as the official religion and the requirement that a Malay/Muslim is Prime Minister of this country, not because it is part of the constitution or guaranteed by law but because it is part of our responsibility to ourselves and our children.
The DAP can make their vows, that is their right but if they are planning to usurp the constitution and the Agung then something should be done by the authorities
On the other hand Malays and Muslim must today make a vow to defend the position of Islam as the official religion and the position of Malays as Bumiputra in their own homeland till the last man standing.
Never must we flinch or waver from this vow and we must make it known that we have made this vow and we are not to be trifled with.
Stop making excuses, as an Islamic country, Malaysia has been tolerant of all religious views as long as it does not encroach into Islam and in Sarawak where the Christian population is significantly larger than the Muslim community, there are more churches than mosques to reflect the situation.
What more do they want from Islam?
If true, this vow organised by DAP Jelutong is yet another insult to Islam and the Malays in Malaysia, for 50 years they lived in this country and worshipped under the protection of Islam and yet today they have taken the seditious position of trying to remove Islam as the official religion of the country that has given them so much.
The foreign element involved in the vows makes the event even more traitorous and I would like to take this opportunity to ask everyone to try and find out if this alleged vow did actually take place.
The authorities must never allow seditious elements to organise themselves and gain mass, if they do, it will be hard to stop them and this country may find itself shattered again.
by shareeb (credit to marahku)
The whole point of changing the official religion is to allow a Christian to become Prime Minister of this country
In order to change the status of Islam as the official religion of Malaysia, they would not only have to change the constitution with a two-third majority but would also have to get the consent of the Agong, as head of Islam in Malaysia to demote it to second spot behind Christianity...I think the only way DAP is going to achieve this is by putting a gun to the Agung's head.
History has shown that they have not minced their words when it comes to the formation of the Islamic State and yet the Malay/Muslims in this county has tolerated their rudeness.
I think it is time that we feed them our opinion whole, spare them the bite-size convenience and see how they like to gag on the words of others.
There would be blood on the streets if DAP were to take this vow to the streets and while Opposition types may want to accuse me of making up this story, take a look at the first photo above and the details in this posting and determine if any of this is true.
I hope and pray that it is not true but the photo above is part of two bits of information that came to me this morning and I must say that it really woke me up.
According to the message, last night DAP Jelutong organised a dinner for pastors from Sarawak and overseas at the Red Rock Hotel on Jalan Macalister in Penang and about 100 people comprising people from the consituency service centre, the pastros and jelutong ADUN Jeff Ooi and Kidurong's Chiew Chiu Seng.
Among the activities that night included the 35 pastors taking a group oath. They formed a circle and touched each other's shoulder and vowed in English to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia and put a Christian Prime Minister in office.
Today the same pastors will take part in a convention at Berjaya Hotel from 9am to 5pm and they will attend a special meeting tonight at the Jalan Khaw Sim Bee Christian centre.
To put it in further context, we should remember that in Sarawak, the DAP had said that BN is anti Christ agent, a seditious statement and religiously divisive statement that was never investigated by the police. or at least they did not tell us about any investigations on the matter.
They are openly against BN on religious grounds and they are now making it their clarion call, their rabble rousing horn.
It is important for Muslims in this country to defend the position of Islam as the official religion and the requirement that a Malay/Muslim is Prime Minister of this country, not because it is part of the constitution or guaranteed by law but because it is part of our responsibility to ourselves and our children.
The DAP can make their vows, that is their right but if they are planning to usurp the constitution and the Agung then something should be done by the authorities
On the other hand Malays and Muslim must today make a vow to defend the position of Islam as the official religion and the position of Malays as Bumiputra in their own homeland till the last man standing.
Never must we flinch or waver from this vow and we must make it known that we have made this vow and we are not to be trifled with.
Stop making excuses, as an Islamic country, Malaysia has been tolerant of all religious views as long as it does not encroach into Islam and in Sarawak where the Christian population is significantly larger than the Muslim community, there are more churches than mosques to reflect the situation.
What more do they want from Islam?
If true, this vow organised by DAP Jelutong is yet another insult to Islam and the Malays in Malaysia, for 50 years they lived in this country and worshipped under the protection of Islam and yet today they have taken the seditious position of trying to remove Islam as the official religion of the country that has given them so much.
The foreign element involved in the vows makes the event even more traitorous and I would like to take this opportunity to ask everyone to try and find out if this alleged vow did actually take place.
The authorities must never allow seditious elements to organise themselves and gain mass, if they do, it will be hard to stop them and this country may find itself shattered again.
by shareeb (credit to marahku)
Monday, May 2, 2011
aku agak tertarik dengan artikel ini di mana ia mengatakan Obama sudah berjaya membunuh Osama dengan kerjasama Pakistan..
aku hairan,Pakistan pulak yang dikaitkan.
dan kalau betul dah berjaya,mana mayatnya si Osama?
sekadar cakap,adakah sudah cukup sedangkan ganjaran cukup besar untuk menangkap Osama?
kalau macam tu,aku pun leh cakap gitu kalo x pyh tunjuk mayat..
bongok betul Obama ni ek..
try follow link kat bawah
by shareeb
aku hairan,Pakistan pulak yang dikaitkan.
dan kalau betul dah berjaya,mana mayatnya si Osama?
sekadar cakap,adakah sudah cukup sedangkan ganjaran cukup besar untuk menangkap Osama?
kalau macam tu,aku pun leh cakap gitu kalo x pyh tunjuk mayat..
bongok betul Obama ni ek..
try follow link kat bawah
by shareeb
~kebenaran atau muslihat~
cube tgk ape yang ada dengan akaun email 1malaysia..
dengar dan lihat sendiri dari CEO Tricubes tentang cara mudah menipu duit kerajaan Malaysia (dalam kata sebenar,DUIT RAKYAT)..
kalau nak tau,
klik sini
by shareeb
dengar dan lihat sendiri dari CEO Tricubes tentang cara mudah menipu duit kerajaan Malaysia (dalam kata sebenar,DUIT RAKYAT)..
kalau nak tau,
klik sini
by shareeb
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